Dog Fence Designs

We can customize your in-gound dog fence to meet you and your dogs needs.

Our Underground Dog Fence Designs

Once we establish a convenient location for the transmitter (such as a garage or basement), where the boundary will be, and where we want to keep the dog away from, its time to install! The transmitter sends a radio signal through the wire, which is picked up by the dogs computer collar, and gives off and audible and/or mild correction.

We will also place white boundary flags around the perimeter. This tells us where the computer collar will pick up the radio signal. This will be party of the Gentle Approach Training.

Now your all set! You and your canine friend are on your way toward safe freedom in your yard.

We can help!

Superior Dog Fence serves the Richmond area.

Are you looking for the safest and most reliable dog fencing solution?

Are you tired of your dog getting out of your yard?


Entire Perimeter Loop In-Ground Dog Fence Installation

This “Perimeter Loop” layout is by far our most common installation. Your dogs are protected from any unexpected escapes as well as giving your animal freedom to play in your entire yard.

A cartoon drawing of a house with a red fence around it
An illustration of a house with a fence around it

Seperations Loop In-Ground Dog Fence Installation

This “Perimeter Loop” layout is recommended if you do not want your dog to have access to the other section of the yard without permission. This allows your dog to have protection in the front and back yards at all times.

One Section Loop In-Ground Dog Fence Installation

This Layout is recommended if you do not want your dog to have access to the other section of the yard. There is no protection on the other section of the yard. This layout is not recommended.

An isometric drawing of a house with trees and a driveway
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